Saturday, December 28, 2019
Essay on Achilles Shield - 761 Words
As long as there is thought there will always be debate as to the relevance and applications of any figure that has potential symbolism deeper than its appearance. We see it with the Bible, with its accompanying fundamentalism, literalism, interpretationalism, and its downright detractors. Attention given to an object for such a prolonged time is bound to foster battleground for linguists, philosophers, and literary scholars. Additionally, we see it with the Shield of Achilles in Homers The Iliad. The Shield is a literary figure of beauty which the world has enjoyed, despised, and revered for several millennia. Its lengthy and detailed description forces any reader to, if not look past it for higher meaning, at least imagine and†¦show more content†¦He compares the physical description, with the circular depiction of the cosmos and geologic structure of the earth, and the significance of the two images, in the depiction of the God(s) interaction with man. Nibley quotes Justin Martyr when he said that Homer became acquainted with Moses cosmic teachings while he was visiting Egypt... impressed by what he [Moses] had written about the origin of the cosmos, he depicted it in the Shield of Achilles. (Nibley, pg. 46) This interpretation causes there to be a more eternal implication in the tone of the Shield, instead of merely a work of beauty, it is a work of Divine Beauty, wherein a revelation of the world as it really is, is incorporated into the description. There is, also, a thought wherein the importance of the Shields image is merely a meandering act of poetic prowess by Homer. That the Poets stream of thought brought it about, as much of an aesthetic wonder as a relief from the intensity of the battle scenes. This mode of thought was described by Oliver Taplin in his essay The Shield of Achilles Within the Iliad that takes an in depth attempt to discover the meaning of the Shield. During his explanation of the Shield he states this idea, as best understood by him when he wrote the explanation which is, I suspect, most in keeping with the dominant school of what might be called `primitive oral poetics, namely that the oral poet has simply wandered on fromShow MoreRelatedThe Shield of Achilles2510 Words  | 11 Pagesof which has about it something whole and total, so that there are a multiplicity of visions of the cosmos, all equally possible and legitimate in so far as they spring from the universal and immutable principles. Titus Burkhardt. To every shield, there is another side, hidden. A. N. Whitehead. In the Hesiodic account of the world-ages, preserved in the ancient writing known to us as the Works and Days, the poet briefly describes the age of the heroes. He tells us that the heroesRead MoreEssay Shield of Achilles and the Shield of Aeneas3655 Words  | 15 PagesStudy of the Shield of Achilles and the Shield of Aeneas In Homer’s great work, the Iliad, Achilles is given a set of armor, including a glorious shield which allows him to return to battle and carry out his revenge against Hector. Likewise, in Virgil’s Aeneid, Aeneas is sent a shield for the purpose of aiding him in defending Rome from invasion. However, these shields are made special not by their military value, but by the engravings that decorate their surfaces. Achilles’ shield holds engravingsRead MoreAchilles Shield Is Much More Than A Tale Of War And Glory2478 Words  | 10 PagesAchilles shield is much more than a tale of war and glory. Within the text, lies the struggles of life and death and the relationships between a god with a man, earth and the heavens, and a boy with his mother. This is the tale of the, birth, life, and death of one of the greatest heros ever to live. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Public Sentiment Regarding the Vietnam War - 1111 Words
Many of the democrats within the legislative branch turned against Johnson’s war. Scholar’s conflict on the reason why Johnson’s own party turned against him, some scholars attribute it to the growing number of antiwar constituents, while other scholars such as E.M. Schreiber, Burstein and Freudenburg cite the numerous deaths of American soldiers in combat. One democrat by the name of Eugene McCarthy labeled the entire Vietnam War as an â€Å"error†and describes the Johnson administration as â€Å"misguided.†McCarthy decides to run for President, but loses in the primaries by a slim margin to Johnson, further indicating that the antiwar movement was gaining significant momentum. Things were only beginning to get even worse as the Tet Offensive†¦show more content†¦In response to the tragedy and the Cambodia invasion, mass rallies were held in almost every major city in that month. The elite demographic, which includes doctors, lawyers and other professionals also flooded into Washington to display their opposition not only to the war but the increasing domestic violence. The incident dramatically affected Americans and it was further indicated through public opinion polls, which pointed blame towards the National Guard. To many Americans, the domestic upheaval following Cambodia and Kent State suggested that the country was becoming unhinged according to Melvin Small. Newspapers such as the New York Times suggested that the United States was as divided as it had been since the Civil War. Individuals that would identify themselves as pro-war now felt that the war’s cost in terms of domestic consequence outweighed the benefits of continuing the war. The White House was now in full damage control following the Kent State shootings. Public opinion polls showed a 31 percent approval for the war following the Kent State massacre. In response, White House officials anxiously discussed how to contain the uproar . According to David Anderson and John Ernst in their book titled, â€Å"The War That Never Ends: Student Opposition to the Vietnam War,†White House officials agreed that it was important to avoid steps that would furtherShow MoreRelatedThe Vietnam War Era Of American History1700 Words  | 7 Pages Stanley Karnow describes the Vietnam War era of American history as â€Å"†¦a tragedy of epic dimensions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1 and it is fair to postulate that this is no understatement. One of the more pertinent ramifications of the Vietnam War was the deconstruction of fundamental, if somewhat illusory, American conceptions and ideals. The war shattered America’s hitherto unshakeable â€Å"confidence†2 in its political hegemony, military prowess and assumed authority in world order, i.e. â€Å"†¦its moral exclusivity, its militaryRead MoreHarry S. 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How the restriction made it impossible for nations to be seen as distinct, with varying histories, cultures and predicamen ts. Vietnam being a highly varied nation with an extensive past on the elongated journey for their independence, losing their identity was not a very welcome idea to them. The history of Vietnam also comes into play when making these considerations and even their politicalRead MoreImpact Of Media Coverage During The Vietnam War2252 Words  | 10 Pagesimportant events of wars are typically published in newspapers across the globe, featured on nightly news, and talked about extensively. In fact, it is hard for the average person in Western societies to not be informed about the happenings of particular events due to the fact that this information is so widespread. However, warfare coverage has not always been at the forefront of media. It was not until the Vietnam War that wartime happenings emerged as readily available public information, so availableRead MoreWhat Led The United States Into The Vietnam War?1449 Words  | 6 PagesReilly Fletcher HUS History Mr. Hlavacek 5/30/16 What Led the United States to Enter the Vietnam War? The United States played a very crucial role in the conflict that occurred in Southeast Asia between the U.S.-backed democratic South Vietnam, and Soviet-backed communist North Vietnam. Following the defeat of its French administration in 1954, North Vietnam, led by Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, wanted to reunify the country with the help of its rebel allies in the south, known as the Viet CongRead MoreMusic And Its Impact On Society1340 Words  | 6 PagesThere are two pillars of society that have and always will be prevalent in civilizations. The first pillar being competition of power; society will always have individuals in charge of the decisions regarding the administration of their civilization. Secondly, being the self-expression of the human condition through music. Both concepts widely disparate, although both vital to the constitution of one’s identity and development of their life choices. A person’s life will always be altered due to interactionsRead Mo reJohn Miller s Death Of A Salesman Essay1521 Words  | 7 PagesRiseman’s analysis presents the other side of life in the Consumer Republic. At a societal level, the GDP was shooting up at record speed, massive public projects like the highway system improved American infrastructure, and American influence all around the world was rising. Yet to the individual citizen or family, the realities of an increasingly materialistic society brought new questions that often had disillusioning answers. Works such as the film â€Å"Rebel Without a Cause†and Arthur Miller’sRead MoreThe Sixties And Sixties Were Among The Most Important Decades Essay2309 Words  | 10 Pagestwo vastly different wars at the time that created a massive feeling of unrest inside its own walls, especially among groups of young people who worked in massive numbers to bring about heavy societal change in many different areas aiming for the top and moving down. These decades included some of the most hotly debated and controversial events in American history. The United states faced a state of massive uneasiness internally with the nervousness brought about by the Cold War. There was also a state
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Human Resource Management Expantion of Organization
Question: Describe about the Human Resource Management for Expantion of Organization. Answer: Introduction: Cappuccino, a very reputed coffee shop located at UAE and in other parts of the world, has recently decided to expand itself in two new foreign locations- USA and Australia. The major reason behind this decision, has been the realization that the organization has been able to conduct successful business at UAE, and became popular within a span of 5 years. Hence, further international expansion of the organization will help the organization achieve greater brand awareness, apart from helping it to enhance its revenue (Bradley et al. 2012). The organization established in the year of 1970, conducted successful trade in UAE, until it expanded in other parts of the world as well, such as Russia, China, Japan, India and Brazil. However, at present, the organization thought that it would be discreet to focus its trade on a few limited regions, and it was being found out that America and Australia are becoming great startup hubs of business stores. However, it is important to remember that as a result of the sudden restructuring method, the organization may encounter unforeseen challenges in foreign locations, in the form of ethical or cultural or CSR issues, and hence it is important to consider and analyze these issuesbefore undertaking the process of global expansion (Wilkinson 2013). Discussion: Cappuccino is desirous to expand itself in Australia, because the country offers a number of grants for the purpose of start up business, and as a country full of tourist site locations, the prospect of a coffee shop is great. Beside, since Cappuccino is a reputed organization all over the world, it can easily gain huge recognition among the tourists all around the world visiting Australia, as well as the ordinary consumers of the country. Besides, Cappuccino has chosen to expand in USA as well, primarily because the country offers great business opportunities to any foreign organization, and also because the Americans consume coffee in great amount, and hence a coffee shop can gain instant popularity with the American consumers. The organization, in case of both the countries has decided that the working staffs should neither be totally native nor should be completely foreign. While conducting business outside, the organization will have to remember that cultural clash or community clash may emerge if the consumers are unable to avail the assistance of the working staffs that belong to their own country, or ethnic group (Feraro and Broody 2015). As a result of the diverse culture of Australia, Cappuccino will hire a diverse workforce in Australia, while in USA, the organization will hire fresh US citizens, to assume the responsibility of coffee shop employees. The organization will enter into a joint venture agreement with a popular coffee shop organization of each of the countries (Lee and Griffith 2012). Cultural Issues of Conducting Business in Australia and America The cultural consideration, while conducting business in a foreign location is of utmost importance, and hence Cappuccino has to ensure that the organization, while conducting business in foreign locations does not encounter any sort of cultural conflict among the employees or the consumers (Moran et al. 2014). There is no gain stating the fact that USA has a highly distinct and unique culture, and it is absolutely different from the corporate culture of UAE or any other part of the world. Cappuccino is a UAE based organization, and as such coming from the homogenous culture, the employees or the managers of the organization must be mindful of the multicultural influence of the country. Cappuccino as a UAE based organization, conducting trade mostly in the Asian countries, relies more on a hierarchical and collectivist way of conducting business. However, in USA, while entering into joint venture agreement with a partner firm, Cappuccino has to ensure that the business activities are being carried out in an autonomous and independent way (Greenwood 2002). The US culture has a low context culture, and as such the managers and the Directors of Cappuccino must hold regular meetings and interactive sessions with the managers of the partner firm, so as to enable the easy, smooth exchange of info rmation facts as well as opinions. The US culture does not call for the need of a formal approach to businessand hence cracking a joke, calling by first names are highly acceptable in USA (Knox and Marston 2013). On the other hand, unlike the US culture, the Australian work culture is more formal and rigid. While conducting business in Australia, it is important to be punctual and straightforward, and since the Australians are more formal in their ways of communication, it is important to maintain the courtesy while conducting official meetings. The Australians always welcome innovative ideas, and hence it is important to keep on introducing fresh, innovative, novel ideas in the business (Fry et al. 2013). Ethical Issue to be Faced in Australia and America Cappuccino must ensure that it does not conduct business in an unethical and immoral way in a foreign location. The organization after setting up its stores in Australia or USA, should not hire cheaper labor force from foreign locations, instead of hiring the native workers of Australia or America. Again, in both USA as well as Australia, the entire population consists of people belonging to diverse ethnic cultures and tribes, and hence hiring an all-inclusive, diverse workforce, is highly important (Burchil et al. 2013). Further, the organization must make sure that it does not in any way harm the environment or ecological sustainability of the local region of the respective country. The Australian government, in fact, has legislated business ethics, by making it mandatory that an organization will be required to preserve the environment as well as ecological balance of the country (Nye and Welch 2016). CSR Issues to be Faced in Australia and America Recent research has shown that countries and cultures differ in their understanding as well as the adoption of the Corporate Social Responsibility acts. While undertaking the CSR activities in USA, it should be remembered that unlike the Asian or Middle West countries, in USA, the US firms are not expected to focus too much on prevention of illiteracy or gender discrimination programs, yet on the issues related to the well-being of the community (Bair et al. 2015). Here, the organization Cappuccino must instigate social involvement by forming partnership with NGOs, and thereby trying to improve the education of the poor children, or the standard of life of the impoverished people of the nation. However, unlike UAE, or China, Japan or Russia, at USA, as a US company, the organization is required to report the details of its CSR activities (Idowu et al. 2013). The issue of CSR is highly important in Australia as well. The Australian government makes it mandatory that the organizations must consider the social and environmental factors while conducting business in Australia. As it is already known, that the CSR activities of the organization help in improving the financial performance of an organization, and is highly critical in sustaining the business of the organization (Crane et al. 20130. While expanding in other parts of the world, Cappuccino must ensure that it engages in CSR activities, as it helps not only in motivating the employees and other stakeholders, such as the consumers, but it also helps in developing and improving the brand image of the organization, However, it should be remembered that the organization chooses the most effective CSR activities. Australia suffers from a high rate of unemployment, and hence it would be highly advisable for Cappuccino to hire a large number of Australian employees for the coffee shop, as it would help in eliminating the problem of poverty and unemployment from Australia. Apart from the job creation strategy, Cappuccino must also invest for creating a diverse workforce, as diversity of various ethnic cultural groups plays an important role in Australia (Gond et al. 2011). Organizations, such as Woolworths have gained much reputation in the Australian market by employing a diverse workforce. The organization must form an alliance with a Non-Government Organization, and should support educational programs. In case of both the organizations, CSR plays an important role, and hence Cappuccino must try to incorporate the CSR strategies in its vision and mission of the organization (Shen 2011). Conclusion: The organization can flourish and can achieve great brand recognition in the foreign locations. However, the managing authority of Cappuccino should note that while going global, the organization must pay sufficient heed that may arise out of the cultural conflict or difference in ethics of the host country and the foreign country. Hence, it is highly recommended that the organization analyzes and critically evaluates the issues that may impede the growth of the organization in the foreign market. To conclude, it must be noted that the organization has a huge prospect in overseas market. However, there are cultural differences among the countries and hence it is important to train the workers accordingly to suit the culture of the country they are working for. In addition, Cappuccino must also adopt the most appropriate and effective CSR strategy in the respective countries. Reference List: Bair, J. and Palpacuer, F., 2015. CSR beyond the corporation: contested governance in global value chains.Global Networks,15(s1), pp.S1-S19. Bradley, B.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Early, R., Grosholz, E.D., Lawler, J.J., Miller, L.P., Sorte, C.J., D'Antonio, C.M., Diez, J.M., Dukes, J.S. and Ibanez, I., 2012. Global change, global trade, and the next wave of plant invasions.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,10(1), pp.20-28. Burchill, S., Linklater, A., Devetak, R., Donnelly, J., Nardin, T., Paterson, M., Reus-Smit, C. and True, J., 2013.Theories of international relations. Palgrave Macmillan. Crane, A., Matten, D. and Spence, L.J., 2013. Corporate social responsibility in a global context.Chapter in: Crane, A., Matten, D., and Spence, LJ,'Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context,2, pp.3-26. Ferraro, G. and Brody, E.K., 2015.Cultural Dimension of Global Business. Routledge. Fry, D.P. and Bjorkqvist, K., 2013.Cultural variation in conflict resolution: Alternatives to violence. Psychology Press. Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N. and Zu, L., 2013.Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Knox, P.L. and Marston, S.A., 2013.Human geography: Places and regions in global context. Pearson. Lee, H.S. and Griffith, D.A., 2012. Transferring corporate brand image to local markets: Governance decisions for market entry and global branding strategy. In K.S. Swan and S. Zou eds.,,Interdisciplinary Approaches to Product Design, Innovation, Branding in International Marketing(pp. 39-65). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Moran, R.T., Abramson, N.R. and Moran, S.V., 2014.Managing cultural differences. Routledge. Nye Jr, J.S. and Welch, D.A., 2016.Understanding global conflict and cooperation: an introduction to theory and history. Pearson. Wilkinson, R., 2013.The WTO: Crisis and the governance of global trade. Routledge. Gond, J.-P., Igalens, J., Swaen, V. El Akremi, A., 2011 The human resources contribution to responsible leadership: an exploration of the CSR-HR interface, Journal of Business Ethics, 98, pp.115-132. Greenwood, M.R., 2002 Ethics and HRM: a review and conceptual analysis, Journal of Business Ethics, 36 (3), pp.261-278. Shen, J., 2011 Developing the concept of socially responsible international human resource management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (6), pp.1351-1363.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Maintenance of Capital
Question: Discuss about the Maintenance of Capital. Answer: capital maintenance Capital maintenance is the process through which the company conserves and maintains the capital gained by it through issuing of shares and contributions from creditors. Maintaining and conserving share capital means no reduction in share capital without proper authorization along with limited scope for buying back own shares and providing mala fide financial assistant. Capital maintenance also involves restrictions of dividend payments which would affect the financial position of the company and make it incapable of being able to pay back its creditors. History of the doctrine The court in the case of Trevor v Whitworth(1887) 12 App Cas 409 ruled that a company must at any cost should not be allowed to buy back own shares as such actions by the company would account to misuse of the companys capital and would deprive the creditors of their rights (Deegan and Shelly 2014). Thus the capital maintenance doctrine originated from this case and has been used ever since by many nations specially the commonwealth nations. The use of the doctrine resulted in severe hardship for the companies as they were not able to operate properly because of the several restriction imposed upon them (Ferran and Ho 2014) Australia and capital maintenance The capital maintenance theory has been changed and polished in many different ways and then incorporated into the Australian legal system with the help of Corporation Act 2001. Share capital reduction Section 256 A 256 E deal with provisions in relation to the reduction of share capital by a company. According to section 256 A of the Act a company is allowed to make share capital if they comply with different provisions and procedures provided through the subsequent procedures (Birt et al. 2014). A company can reduce its share capital if the risk in relation to solvency of the company is addressed, the concept of fairness between the shareholders of the company is complied with and all material information in relation to the transaction is disclosed. The company can also make unauthorized share capital if such transaction is approved by shareholders, reasonability and fairness is addressed and it does not hamper the companys capability in paying its loans. Shares buy back The companies under the provisions of the Corporation Act Section 257 A-257 J are allowed to buy its own shares back. The transaction of share buy backs can only be continued by the company if it does not hamper the companys capability in paying its loans and all procedures and rules provided by the subsequent sections have been complied with by the company. the company can proceed with such transactions through passing a ordinary resolution under section 257 C and special resolution under section 257 D. the company also has file the offer documents with ASIC and provide a 14 day notice under section 257 E and 257 F respectively. The company also needs to disclose all related information under the provisions of Section 257G. Financial assistance A company is also allowed to offer financial assistance if it follows the procedures as laid down in section 260 off the Act. The directors of the company would be personally liable if they engage in insolvent trading and the concept of limited liability would not apply under the provisions of section 588G (Keay 2014). References: Birt, J., Chalmers, K., Maloney, S., Brooks, A., Oliver, J. and Janson, P., 2014. Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making 5e. Deegan, C. and Shelly, M., 2014. Corporate social responsibilities: Alternative perspectives about the need to legislate.Journal of Business Ethics,121(4), pp.499-526. Ferran, E. and Ho, L.C., 2014.Principles of corporate finance law. Oxford University Press. Keay, A.R., 2014.Directors' duties. Bibliography Birch v Cropper(1889) 14 App Cas 525 Gerner-Beuerle, C., Paech, P. and Schuster, E.P., 2013. Study on directors duties and liability. Hanrahan, P.F., Ramsay, I. and Stapledon, G.P., 2013. Commercial applications of company law. Trevor v Whitworth(1887) 12 App Cas 409 Maintenance of Capital Question: Discuss about the Maintenance of Capital. Answer: The Capital maintenance Doctrine Trevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409Capital maintenance can be defined as the process through which a company ensures that its capital is protected towards the best interest of the company. Capital maintenance in a company is done to protect its creditors. It is a well known fact that the directors of the company are provided protection through the principle of limited liability. Although this principle is necessary in order to ensure that a fair protection is provided to the directors it makes the creditors of the company vulnerable to the immoral activities directors may do with respect to gaining personal profit at the expense of the company (Arnold 2016). The doctrine in relation to capital maintenance originated from the English legal system. One of the land mark cases in England which provided for the need and concept of such a doctrine is the case of Trevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409. In this case it was ruled by the court that directors cannot reduce the capital of the company and also they are not allowed to buy back the shares issued by them. The doctrine provides that a company should gain sufficient consideration in relation to the share capital issued by it. The doctrine further provides that the gained capital through share issue is not entitled to be paid back. The doctrine when it was brought into corporation law had a very strict approach thus the cons of the doctrine has been a big issue for its critics. In Australia this doctrine has been introduced to the legal system through the various sections of the Corporation Act. However it is to be noted in this case that Australia does not uses the doctrine as it is, many amendments have been done to the original doctrine by the Act so that the law is benefited by its advantages (Fine 2016). The doctrine of capital maintenance provide rules in relation to providing loans, guarantee, forgiving debt, securities for personal loans, share capital reduction and buy back its own shares. In Australia the directors of the company are allowed to make capital reduction and share buyback through if the provisions provided in section 257 A of the act are complied by them. The basic requirement provided by the section is that directors must take into account the concept of fairness, reasonableness and insolvency before doing any such act along with the compliance with procedures provided in section 257 D of the Act. The directors must also in relation to capital reduction abide by the directors duty as provided in Section 180-183 of the Act. Section 260 A(1)(a) of the Act provides financial assistant can be provided by the directors of a company only if such actions do not prejudice the company materially with respect to its liability of paying back the creditors. Further the directors cannot claim the protection under the principles of limited liability if they are found guilty of doing any insolvent trading according to the provisions of section 588G the Act (Hill 2014). It is clear and evident that the doctrine is very much the part of the Australian corporation law to the extent where is does not restrict the proper functioning of the corporations. References Arnold, A.J., 2016. Capital reduction case law decisions and the development of the capital maintenance doctrine in late-nineteenth-century England.Accounting and Business Research, pp.1-19. Fine, B., 2016.Marx's" Capital". Springer. Hill, J.G., 2014. Evolving Directors Duties in the Common Law World.RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON DIRECTORS'DUTIES, A. Paolini, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, pp.3-43.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Antigone`s Ethics Essays - Operas, Antigone, Creon, Polynices
Antigone`s Ethics Some individuals in literature try to do what they believe is right, even though they face oppositions. In the play "Antigone", by Sophocles, and "A Few Good Men", by Rob Reiner, Both Colonel Jessep and King Creon are two such inividuals. In both of these plays, they are both successful in doing what they believe is right, but they both face oppositions. In the play "Antigone" King Creon did what he believed is right and faced opposition. King Creon believed that Polynices, Antigone's dead brother, should be left out in an open field where animals can feed upon the body, and anyone who tried to bury him will be put to death by stoning. The reason he believed this is because Polynices was a trader. He succeeded, but is faced by an opposition. Antigone opposed him because in her religious laws, all corpses had to have a proper burial. (Sophocles: lines 384-581) "That order did not come from God. Justice, That dwells with the gods bellow, knows no such law. I did not think your edict strong enough To overrule the unwritten unalterable laws of God and heaven, you only being a man". Antigone buries her brother and is sentenced to death. Her fiancee Heamon, and Creon's son, then opposes Creon but doesn't succeed either. In "A Few Good Men", Colonel Jessep also did what he believed even though he faced opposition. He ordered Dawson and Downey, two Marines who he knew would follow his orders without question, to do a Code Red on William Santiago, a mess-up Marine. A Code Red is a type of severe harassment in which something is do to toughen up the offending Marine. Such Code Reds were part of Marine tradition but were official forbidden by recent Marine Regulations. Dawson and Downey did the Code Red and Santiago died. When Colonel Jessep said in the play that "People have to die to save lives", he meant that he believed that this barbaric tradition would serve the better good by making tougher Marines. Daniel Kaffe opposed Colonel Jessep in this movie. He proved that Colonel Jessep was wrong. Therefore Colonel Jessep and King Creon both believed that making an individual suffer served as an example which strengthened the state against its enemies. They were each opposed by an apparently weaker but enlightened foe that believed in forgiving human error. Both Colonel Jessep and King Creon were ultimately defeated by their opposition.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Magic in Shakespeares Play The Tempest
Magic in Shakespeares Play The Tempest Shakespeare draws heavily on magic in The Tempest- indeed, it is often described as Shakespeare’s most magical play. Certainly, the language in this play is particularly magical and quotable. Magic in The Tempest takes many different forms and is represented variously throughout the play. Prospero’s Books and Magic Prosperos books symbolize his power- and in this play, knowledge is power. However, the books also represent his vulnerability, as he was studying when Antonio took his power. Caliban explains that without his books, Prospero is nothing, and encourages Stefano to burn them. Prospero has taught his own daughter from these books, but in many ways she is ignorant, having never seen more than two men and no women since she was three. Books are all very well but they are no substitute for experience. Gonzalo ensures that Prospero is furnished with his books on his journey, for which Prospero will always be grateful. Prospero appears to be all-powerful with his magical staff at the beginning of the play, but in order to become powerful in Milan- where it really matters- he must relinquish his magic. His learning and his books led to his downfall in Milan, allowing his brother to take over. Knowledge is useful and good if you use it in the right ways. At the end of the play, Prospero renounces his magic and, as a result, can return to a world where his knowledge is valued but where magic has no place. Mystical Noises and Magical Music The play opens with the deafening noise of thunder and lightning, creating tension and anticipation for what is to come. The splitting ship inspires a â€Å"confused noise within.†The island is â€Å"full of noises,†as Caliban observes, and many of the characters are seduced by music, following the sounds as if they were being led. Ariel speaks to the characters unseen and this is alarming and disconcerting to them. Trinculo gets blamed for Ariel’s comments. The music and strange noises contribute to the mysterious and magical elements of the island. Juno, Ceres, and Iris bring beautiful music to celebrate the nuptials of Miranda and Ferdinand, and the magical banquet is also accompanied by music. Prospero’s power is manifested in the noise and music he creates; The Tempest and terrifying sound of dogs are his creation. The Tempest The magical tempest that starts the play represents Prospero’s power but also his suffering at the hands of his brother. The storm symbolizes the political and social unrest in Milan. It also represents Prospero’s darker side, his vengeance, and his willingness to go to any lengths to get what he wants. The tempest reminds the characters and the audience of their vulnerability. Appearance and Substance Things are not what they materially seem in The Tempest. Caliban is not considered by Prospero or Miranda to be human: â€Å"†¦A freckled whelp, hag-born- not honored with/A human shape†(Act 1, Scene 2, Line 287-8). However, they felt they gave him good care: â€Å"I have used thee,/Filth as thou art, with human care†(Act 1 Scene 2). Even though they didn’t believe him to deserve the human care, they gave it to him.​ It is difficult to fully reconcile Caliban’s true nature. His appearance is described in many different ways and he is often referred to as a ‘monster’ but there are moments in the play where Caliban is quite poetic and describes the isle with love and beauty. There are other moments when he is presented as a brutish monster; for example, when he tries to rape Miranda. However, Miranda and Prospero can’t have it both ways- either Caliban is a monster and an animal who will do brutish things- at which they shouldn’t be surprised (and, one could argue, could therefore justifiably be treated like a slave) or he is human and brutish due to his oppression which is their doing.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Analysis - Case Study Example Using data gathered from Association of Convenience Stores, they tried to prove that the decision of a chain store to franchise is associated with the extent to which the stores are dispersed across different types of markets. Findings showed that chain stores are usually established in different environments and markets. This dispersion makes it difficult for the head office to monitor behavior of store personnel and to adapt to the needs of local customers. Evidences have showed dispersion increases delegation and provision of incentives to cope with the problem and that franchising is an easy way to expand into other markets. In contrast, a non-franchised store is operated in a decentralized system and provides more incentive pay. These findings are useful information to those who are thinking of expanding their operations. Take for example McDonalds, a known fast food chain whose franchisees complain of its too much controlling and passing on to them costs amid slow sales. Control is one of the problems in franchising as management does not see behaviors of its personnel. They only have to rely on second hand information. The growing discontent of franchisees apparently is due to strategies of McDonalds to spark sales that are slowing down due to competition. A classic example of problem of dispersion is the risk involved in choosing the correct personnel to manage chain. Ray Kroc, McDonalds owner took a great risk in getting a totally experienced man in managing a restaurant business. As a Biology teacher, Jerry practically knew nothing of the business. But probably, Krocs saw something in him that eventually, he gave three stores to him to manage for free, that of course, turned out to be profitable. These stores were already on the verge of losing. But when Jerry asked for more franchise store, he was already refused.(Miller, Kevin,2013).
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