Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Crime Scene Reconstruction Essay Example for Free
Crime Scene Reconstruction Essay It has moved beyond a physical barrier allowing analysts to dissect the crime scene to identify evidence often missed simply walking through the traditional steps of sketching. There is now the opportunity for anyone to revisit the crime scene the next day, next week, or years from now. This is an important the crime scene leaving nothing to the Jurors imagination. According to the Department of Safety for the State of Connecticut, forensic crime scene reconstruction is the process of determining the sequence of events about what occurred during and after a crime (Department of Public Safety Scientific Services, 010). Crime scene reconstruction normally starts ideas of what happened during the crime and then moves to an analysis of the evidence at the scene. It focuses on gathering as much data and evidence to form a valid hypothesis. The hypothesis can then be subjected to various tests to prove or disprove the overall interpretation of the reconstruction. Once the reconstruction is formalized a theory can be determined in support of the reconstruction. There are three types of crime scene reconstructions. They are specific incident reconstruction, specific event reconstruction, and specific physical evidence reconstruction. Specific incident reconstruction involves reconstructing a crime scene where an accident or incident occurred. This will be needed during such incidences as traffic accidents or homicides. The purpose is to identify the types of evidence that can be associated with these incidents. Using specific event reconstruction, the sequence of events or timelines can be established. This form of reconstruction looks at how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together. With specific event reconstruction the sequence of events can be determined. The final type of reconstruction is specific physical evidence reconstruction. This involves evidence such as blood and bullets. Through reconstruction of blood splatter, it can be determined where the shooter was standing during a homicide. It will also help identify the location of the bullet if it is exits the body of the victim. Capturing the crime scene is an important part of the crime scene reconstruction process. Typical methods include sketching the crime scene using graph paper and a pencil or taking photographs from a digital camera. Both of these methods do provide a snapshot of the crime scene for preservation but, they do not capture the scene in its entirety. A sketch will note measurements of physical evidence in their relation to the victims body or to such items as furniture and doorways. However, it is completely relying on the investigator to supply accurate measurements and identification of the physical evidence. Using 3D technology, the entire crime scene can be analyzed for accurate measurements at anytime. An advantage that 3D technology has over other methods of crime scene reconstruction is that it can preserve the crime scene in a moment in time. This is vital if the scene is in a populated area and needs to return to its natural state as soon as possible. Think about a crash scene involving two vehicles on an expressway in Los Angeles during rush hour that resulted in a fatality. The time it takes to clear the scene is a very important variable when collecting the evidence. Under these conditions, there may be evidence that goes unnoticed by an investigator that is sketching the scene. Not to mention the time that it takes to do physical measurements. Using 3D technology can allow the investigator to collect the data and have confidence that nothing will missed. In order to capture a crime scene in its entirety multiple scans of the scene must be considered. The collection of data comes from only the viewpoint of the investigator. Consider capturing the image of an automobile. If we were to stand at the front of the automobile we would not be of the automobile to in order to collect a complete image. One tool used to collect 3D images from a crime scene is a calibrated digital camera. It uses a technology called stereo photography. Standard photographs are only 2-dimensional representations of what you see. 3-dimensional photographs are taken from two perspectives. Because we have two eyes, we will need two perspectives on a scene. By forcing each eye to see only one photograph, i. e. the left eye sees the left photograph and the right eye sees the right photograph, your brain will reconstruct the depth information from the two pictures and you will see a 3D image (3dphotography, 2010). The use of calibrated digital cameras allows the viewer to see the image as it would have been seen by the individual taking the pictures. When multiple photographs are combined, a reconstruction of the scene is created. Another tool that is used to collect 3D images from a crime scene is a 3D scanner or laser. A 3D scanner is known for high-accuracy and long range. Most 3D scanners can collect data from 900 feet away. It can operate in bright sunlight or total darkness, indoors or out. The built-in digital camera allows the measured 3D data (known as a point cloud) to automatically be mapped creating a 3D rendering of the scene (3D Forensic Mapping, 2010). The 3D scanner quickly digitizes a scene using both panoramic photography and 3D laser scanning which is the process of making millions of highly accurate measurements in Just a few minutes. The result is an accurate 3D representation of he scene from which any measurement can be made, even long after the scene has been vacated. Whether using a calibrated digital camera or a 3D scanner, it is time to create a 3D model of the data. The models are assembled in 3D animation software. This is when the data that was collected at the crime scene is put into the software. In the case of the using a calibrated digital camera, each pixel is assigned a coordinate. The coordinate is made up of XYZ; where X is an Easting coordinate, Y is a Northing coordinate, and Z is the elevation. The pixels or coordinates are then lotted on a 3 dimensional grid. If we consider a sketch that is typically performed at a crime scene, it is laid out on a piece of graph paper. The investigator assigns a certain measurement between squares and then plots all the relative items of the crime scene at the respected distance. This would be considered a 2 dimensional drawing where only X Y are plotted. In a 3D plot, it includes the Z value. This gives the 3 dimensional model its depth. So, the multiple photographs taken with the calibrated digital camera are overlaid, assigned a coordinate, and modeled into a 3D image. The 3D scanner is not much different from a calibrated digital camera, although it uses an infrared laser to collect data points instead of pixels. The hardware then assigns coordinates to each data point and the software plots them. A 3D scanner can collect as many as 100,000 data points per second (Oberle, 2009). This creates a huge advantage over using digital camera which can only collect upwards of 8 million pixels with each photo (Patterson, 2010). It would only take a scanner Just over a minute to surpass a digital camera in resolution. At this point, the scene is ready for review. With the combination of photo-like images the software will allow the viewer to spin the images 360-degrees. Looking at the computer screen, you will be able to enter the crime scene as if you were actually there. This can be copied and viewed by anyone with access to the 3D software. It becomes a crime scene, the more likely evidence will not go unnoticed. When reviewing the crime scene reconstruction, measurements can be achieved right from the office. Because each data point is assigned a coordinate, the distance formula can be used to calculate distances between two points. The software includes an algorithm that can quickly calculate the distance between any points selected by the user. Therefore, determining specific physical evidence reconstruction such as blood splatter is made possible back at the office. In blood spatter evidence, the measurements will help calculate the mass of each drop from the size of its stain, and use this to calculate its maximum potential velocity. Air drag would tear apart a droplet if it travelled faster than this limit (Marks, 2010). With that information, and an angle of impact estimated from the shape of the stain, the software projects a ealistic trajectory backwards in time to locate the origin of the blood spatter.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Groups and Teams Essay -- Groups Team Teamwork Essays Papers
Groups and Teams      Groups or teams can evolve into high performing, extremely effective, useful tools in any organization if developed and managed correctly. Demographic characteristics and cultural diversity can impact the behavior of groups or teams in positive and some negative ways. Diversity may impede the initial progress of a group; however, the long range benefit to creating high performing teams is great. An effective group is one that achieves high levels of task performance, member satisfaction, and team viability (Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborne, 2003, p. 2). A team or group is two or more people working together to achieve common goals. Members of a group are usually dependent on each other and have regular interactions in order to reach a goal. They actively work together as a unit in order to fulfill a purpose. Organizations rely on groups to accomplish specific tasks. An effective group is one that achieves high levels of task performance, member satisfactions and team viability (Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborne, 2003, p. 2). Synergy, the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, is also part of an effective group. If a group has synergy then they are able to accomplish far more than they would working as individuals. Synergy is crucial in group organizations if they want to be competitive and productive. Groups within organizations improve creativity, implement better decision making processes, increase commitment to goals, offer control and help to offset the size of a large organization. There are many types of groups within organizations including formal, informal, task groups and virtual groups. Group size and dynamics can affect performance. The larger the group, the more help there is to accomplish tasks. Although, a larger group can bring problems with communication, coordination and management. Dynamics or how a group works together in order to deal with issues can also affect performance.      Groups and teams have several stages of development in order to be considered effective; forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Forming is the first stage and is primarily the initial entry into a group and getting to know each other stage. The storming stage of group development is a period of high emotionality and tension among the group members (Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborne, 2003, p. 9). During t... ...ity within a high performing team is respected and embraced. Different opinions and ideas are welcomed and discussed. Team members are involved in clear problem solving procedures and they plans tasks completely before acting. Synergy is critical to team success. Management should reward team successes. High performance teams are high-energy, collaborative process groups. They are the playground and work center for capable people with strong, respectful voices who understand and appreciate the power of aligning diverse perspectives (Schutz, 1999, p 1).      In conclusion, groups or teams that are high performing, and critical to the success of any organization, are rich in diversity, synergy, team work. More can be accomplished, greater achievements and productivity gained, when groups or teams are used in organizations. References Cummings, Jonathon. (2001). Work groups, structural diversity, and knowledge sharing in a global organization. Management Science. (pgs. 1 ? 13). Schutz, Susan. (1999). Building high performing teams: putting the "I" back in teamwork. Ezine. (pgs. 1-2) Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J. G. & Osborne, R. N. (2003). Organizational Behavior
Monday, January 13, 2020
Essay on Public Transportation Means
Public Transportation MeansNeed for holding public transit means particularly in Zouk Mosbeh – Lebanese republic, where Notre Dame University is located in order to:Reduce trafficReduce pollutionHaving a better and healthy topographic pointPossible causes of traffic jam in Zouk Mosbeh-LebanonLack of Planning of metropolis routeLow route infiniteUnplanned arrest or parking infiniteUnplanned metropolis growingHigh migration from rural to urban countriesDifferent velocity vehicleOver populationInsufficient and unequal route infiniteLack of jurisprudence executionNot plenty traffic constabularyLack of consciousnessPoor signaling systemPrivate autoImportant constitutions in Zouk mosbeh such as Notre Dame University and Louaize SchoolImpact of traffic jamEconomyFuel ingestionTransportation system costVehicle runing costHealth related issuesBreathing jobsConcernsMental emphasisUnexpected perspirationFatigueEye jobEnvironmental related issuesAir pollutionSound pollutionWastage and ing estion of clipPossible solutions for traffic jamPublic transit agenciesStrict jurisprudence executionSchool, university, office clip schedulingDecentralizationDetering private autosControling route side activitiesIncrease of public vehiclesIncreasing prosaic installationsMaximize of route breadthDecisionWe as victims will be relievedHaving a better life, and a better topographic point to populate inMentions:Butler, J. , & A ; Christopher, 2008. Road pricing, the economic system, and the environment. Publisher: German capital: Springer.Moutran, M.J. , 2010. Traffic jurisprudence enforcement in Lebanon in visible radiation of European and international pattern.Fioravante, E. F. , & A ; Figoli, M. G. B. 2009. Environmental impact due to automobile usage. Twenty-six IUSSP International Population Conference, Morocco.Issa, J. A. , 2010. Reporting on trafficking in individuals as human rights misdemeanor: instance survey Lebanon.O'Flaherty, & A ; Coleman A. , 2009. The DARPA Urban Challen ge: independent vehicles in traffic metropolis. Publisher: German capital: Springer.O'Flaherty, & A ; Coleman A. , 1993. Transport planning and traffic technology. Pulishers: Dutch capital: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997Abou Jaoude, R. , 2013, June 14. Like traffic, Jal al-Dib tunnel programs at deadlock. The Daily Star.Paper Draft Public Transportation Means Transportation plays an of import function in our lives and particularly in our day-to-day modus operandi, including our place topographic point, work, drama, store, travel to university, travel to school, etc. It has a brooding control over residential forms or designs, industrial growing, societal and physical motion. Person should do a witting determination in order to turn up expresswaies, main roads, coach Michigans, particularly in â€Å"Zouk Mosbeh†where â€Å"Notre Dame University – Lebanon†is located. Transportation is a demand and is no less a public rights and quality of life concern. Health, clip, safety and the easiness of entree are the most momentous considerations in transit planning. Are we able to make something in order to promote people non to utilize private autos or to utilize them less by the intercession of public transit agencies? To be honest, by explicating the causes, impacts, and solutions for traffic jam in Zouk Mosbeh we might be able to achieve our ends, and make out for a well determined solution that suites decently everyone. Over the past decennaries, car production and the effort for main road building has gone viral, while urban mass theodolite systems have been disassembled or allowed to fall into disrepair. Hence, the terminal consequence has meant more traffic congestion, societal break, pollution, urban conurbation, wasted energy, and residential segregation. The more we disregard this affair the more jobs we will be confronting subsequently on. Peoples have non received the same public assistances from transit patterned advances and investings. Furthermore, some of the governmental policies in transit, lodging, environment, land usage, and environment may hold even subsidized to and exacerbated societal inequalities. For case, some communities accumulate net incomes from the enlargement undertakings of transit, while other communities endure a lopsided affliction and pay cost for the authorities. By and large, benefits are more disseminated, while costs or loads are more localised. Hence, holding a expressway for us as pupils to make Notre Dame University- Lebanon is non truly a benefit, because non all of us own a auto. A immense bulk of pupils suffer in order to make their university. For illustration, I as a pupil, suffer every twenty-four hours in order to make my category on clip. My journey starts by acquiring in a public coach and range Zouk Mosbeh Bridge ; afterwards as I reach my finish, I will hold to wait for 30 proceedingss at least in order to happen a cab that takes me to where my university is located. Furthermore, you will hold to pay duplicate the monetary value for the cab to take you to the secondary entryway of the university or else you will hold to walk from the chief entryway to make the secondary 1. For case, the same procedure takes topographic point as you leave university towards your place. Is this ethical? Do pupils who neither have a occupation nor have a auto have to travel through this procedure each and every individual twenty-f our hours? I believe that holding appropriate public coachs will break suit everyone. Furthermore, transit is critical to liveable, healthy and sustainable rural and urban communities. The transit strategy influences, and in bend is influenced by, fiscal enlargement determinations, existent estate’s investing determinations, land-use forms, and energy ingestion forms of the public and private sectors. The involvements of those doing transit determinations, upper and in-between category, educated governments chiefly, are served, while the demands, positions and involvements of people, are left out of the decision-making process, working, hapless and transit-dependent people, are non. The worthiness of societal justness and ecological sustainability are non major precedences and primacies in the bing transit system. On the other manus, traffic jam causes wellness jobs. We disregard these issues because we as users have no other solution for this affair. Each and every one of us decidedly suffer from take a breathing jobs, concerns, mental emphasis, unexpected perspiration, fatigue, oculus job, etc†¦ Our wellness is valuable without it we can no longer be able to accomplish our day-to-day undertakings. Then why non seek to work out this affair? Having several public coachs will decidedly hold less impact on our wellness than holding 1000000s of private autos. Most of import, clip is cherished why don’t we save it? We should be at least utilizing our clip for something utile, instead than passing it on route. Besides, in our Lebanese community, we have lack of planning of metropolis route. How much Numberss of autos can a low route infinite support? One of the major causes for our job is that, metropolis growing is unplanned ; neither are stoppage or parking infinites, every bit good as insufficient and unequal route infinite. Zouk Mosbeh is over populated due to the high migration from rural to urban countries. In add-on, there is deficiency of jurisprudence execution, hapless signaling system for drivers, and there is non adequate traffic constabulary to assist cut downing traffic jam. These are due to the deficiency of consciousness of our authorities. As for the of import constitutions in Zouk Mosbeh, Notre Dame University, and Notre Dame School, is a major cause for traffic jam. The route before was for local residential users, and now it has to back up pupils and teachers coming from everyplace in Lebanon. It is true that have such constitutions would increase economic facets, but t here should be a solution for traffic jam in order to ask for people in instead than allowing them go. Furthermore, there are environmental related issues due to the impact of traffic jam such as, air pollution, sound pollution, and noise pollution. How can we hold a healthy everlasting universe if we do non protect our environment? If we can non reconstruct our environment at an early phase, at least we should keep it and forestall its devastation. Hence, if cut down fuel ingestion, our environment will decidedly last thirster. On the other manus, there are some processs that could take topographic point and work out traffic jam. First, public transit agencies such as appropriate public coachs will for certain work out all the above jobs. Second, the authorities should implement rigorous jurisprudence by non leting high velocity vehicles on route, and they should deter private autos. For illustration, if the authorities In fact, the authorities should command route side activities and create arrest for coachs. Besides, there should be school, university, office clip scheduling. This will save clip for everyone. If we all go at the same clip, we will be spending clip on route instead than in university or work. Last but non least, increasing prosaic installations is of import. This would promote people to walk instead than sit in a auto making nil but perspiration. We are people who should take control of our lives. We should be wise plenty to larn from our mistakes. A healthy life is a right for everyone so why don’t we try to gain it?
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Learn About Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro is the capital city of the state of Rio de Janeiro and is the second largest city in the South American country of Brazil. Rio as the city is commonly abbreviated is also the third largest metropolitan area in Brazil. It is considered one of the main tourist destinations in the Southern Hemisphere and is famous for its beaches, Carnaval celebration and various landmarks such as the statue of Christ the Redeemer.The City of Rio de Janeiro is nicknamed the Marvelous City and has been named a Global City. For reference, a Global City is one that is considered to be a significant node in the global economy.The following is a list of the ten most important things to know about Rio de Janeiro:1) Europeans first landed on present-day Rio de Janeiro in 1502 when a Portuguese expedition headed by Pedro à lvares Cabral reached Guanabara Bay. Sixty-three years later, on March 1, 1565, the city of Rio de Janeiro was officially founded by the Portuguese.2) Rio de Janeiro serve d as the capital city of Brazil from 1763-1815 during the Portuguese Colonial Era, from 1815-1821 as the capital of the United Kingdom of Portugal and from 1822-1960 as an independent>3) The City of Rio de Janeiro is located on Brazils Atlantic coast near the Tropic of Capricorn. The city itself is built on an inlet in the western portion of Guanabara Bay. The entrance to the bay is distinct because of a 1,299 foot (396 m) mountain called Sugarloaf.4) Rio de Janeiros climate is considered tropical savanna and has a rainy season from December to March. Along the coast, temperatures are moderated by sea breezes from the Atlantic Ocean but inland temperatures can reach 100 °F (37 °C) during summer. In the fall, Rio de Janeiro is also affected by cold fronts advancing north from the Antarctic region which can often cause sudden weather changes.5) As of 2008, Rio de Janeiro had a population of 6,093,472 which makes it the second largest city on Brazil behind Sà £o Paulo. The population density of the city is 12,382 persons per square mile (4,557 people per sq km) and the metropolitan area has a total population of around 14,387,000.6) The City of Rio de Janeiro is broken down into four districts. The first of these is downtown which consists of the historic downtown center, has various historic landmarks and is the financial center of the city. The south zone is Rio de Janeiros tourist and commercial zone and it is home to the citys most famous beaches such as Ipanema and Copacabana. The north zone has many residential areas but it is also home to the Maracanà £ Stadium, which was once the worlds largest soccer stadium. Finally, the west zone is the farthest from the city center and is thus more industrial than the rest of the city.7) Rio de Janeiro is Brazils second largest city in terms of industrial production as well as its financial and service industries behind Sà £o Paulo. The citys main industries include chemicals, petroleum, processed fo ods, pharmaceuticals, textiles, clothing and furniture.8) Tourism is also a large industry in Rio de Janeiro. The city is Brazils main tourist attraction and it also receives more international visits per year than any other city in South America with around 2.82>9) Rio de Janeiro is considered the cultural capital of Brazil because of its combination of historic and modern architecture, its more than 50 museums, popularity of music and literature, and its yearly Carnaval celebration.10) On October 2, 2009, the International Olympic Committee selected Rio de Janeiro as the location for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. It will be the first South American city to host the Olympic Games. Reference Wikipedia. (2010, March 27). Rio de Janiero. Wikipedia- the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:
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